User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Jobs' ads campaign - USA - Softer Side of Trucking

May 19, 2006

Jobs' ads campaign - USA - Softer Side of Trucking

Denison,TX,USA -KTEN Local News, by Doctor Tracy Wimbush -May 18, 2006: -- The softer, emotional side of trucking -- It sounds like an odd thing to say but that's exactly what the American Trucking Association hopes to convey in a new advertising campaign. This one, hopes to change some of the images of the industry in order to attract more drivers... One ad says, "Have ountry songs written about you". Another ad states, "Assembly lines don't give you stories to tell". And a third says, "My office has a better view than yours"... The American Trucking Association hopes to combat the projected 111,000 driver shortage forecasted by the year 2014...


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