User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Competition - USA - Mexican truckers drive down wages

Jan 26, 2006

Competition - USA - Mexican truckers drive down wages

Lower costs for regulations and drivers hurt competition

S.California, USA -The Business Press, by CAROL PARK -Jan 23, 2006: -- Competition from Mexican truckers has the potential to drive the Complete Logistics Co. out of business... Mexican trucking firms pay their workers half of what American truckers make, said Ronald Ryan, Complete Logistics vice president of national accounts... Low wages and the low cost of doing business in Mexico could force Complete Logistics out of business some day unless something is done, Ryan said... Wages for truck drivers in the United States could eventually drop to Mexican wages. But then drivers will find other jobs that pay better... Highway taxes, workers' compensation, permits and license fees drive up costs for U.S. businesses. Competing with lower-wage labor sources is difficult... Foreign truck drivers jeopardize the safety of American roads, claims Stephanie Williams, senior vice president of the California Trucking Association in Sacramento. ... "The Department of Motor Vehicles can't control the foreign driver, creating a safety issue," Ryan said... Mexican trucks are regulated like any hauler once they cross the border, California Highway Patrol Officer Jaime Nuñez said...


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