User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Truckers Cooperative - USA - Pay woes drive log haulers together

Dec 5, 2005

Truckers Cooperative - USA - Pay woes drive log haulers together

Onalaska,Lewis County,WASH,USA -The Seattle Times, by Hal Bernton -Dec 4, 2005: -- Randy Turner began driving a log-hauling truck at 18. Now 43, he says that he has little to show for his labor, no health insurance and no retirement nest egg... Long before dawn, Turner drives his 1988 Peterbuilt truck up a road that winds through thickets of second-growth fir to a dark expanse of ridge-top clearcuts... In the Cascade foothills of Southwest Washington, this is a familiar ritual for Turner and scores of other log-truck haulers, who once thought that a loaded rig moving down the highway would deliver a decent payday... That faith has been shattered by events of the past decade as the state bowed out of regulating rates, and escalating fuel, maintenance and insurance costs eroded the incomes of many haulers... For Turner and other log-truck haulers, tough times are bringing about some startling changes in attitude. In Northwest timber towns, these contractors are legendary for their independence and sometimes cutthroat competition... But borrowing a playbook from the unions they once shunned, Turner and other haulers have banded together to improve their fortunes... They have rallied under the banner of Northwest Log Truckers Cooperative


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