User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Service - USA - New Nationwide Marketplace for Tractors, Trucks, and Trailers

Dec 5, 2005

Service - USA - New Nationwide Marketplace for Tractors, Trucks, and Trailers

Free Listings for Trucking Companies and Owner-Operators
INDIANAPOLIS,In,USA -PRNewswire -Nov. 28 2005: -- Introducing a new online marketplace for businesses, trucking companies and independent owner-operators. They can find or list on heavy-duty Class 8 tractors, medium-duty trucks, and trailers that have leases that can be transferred, thereby providing a cost-effective alternative to buying or selling their equipment, or defaulting on their leases... makes it possible for owners of equipment with leases to get out of the lease quickly, saving valuable time, lease payments and cash loss -- and without default. The "List a Rig" part of the web site offers a convenient tool for posting one or many rigs in just minutes. Trucking companies and owner-operators with leased rigs currently can list their equipment for free... The Find a Rig tool searches a listing of available equipment. Heavy-duty and medium-duty trucks can be searched based on the year, make, model/series and body of the equipment. Trailers can be searched based on make, model/series and body length and width...


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