User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TechnoNews - Australia - CSIRO camera to track trucks

Dec 5, 2005

TechnoNews - Australia - CSIRO camera to track trucks

Australia -Australian IT, by Jennifer Foreshew -NOV 2005: -- The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority has replaced its old camera system for monitoring heavy vehicles with a high-speed system developed by the CSIRO... The HYbrid MODular Processor System, created by researchers at CSIRO Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technology, has been installed at 24 sites where Safe-T-Cam cameras operate around the clock... The HYMOD technology is used to control and manage the Safe-T-Cam system, which reads the front number plates of heavy vehicles to enforce road safety rules, such as travel speed and driver fatigue requirements... The system is also used to screen vehicles at heavy vehicle checking stations...


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