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Sep 22, 2005

Join - USA - Truckers quit, join teamsters

More than 350 truck drivers resigned from their jobs over the weekend and joined the Teamsters Union

Miami,FL,USA -The Miami Herald, by MONICA HATCHER -Sep. 20, 2005 (:-/ Truck driver Sandro Lerro knew when he signed on with the Teamsters Union Saturday, he probably wouldn't have a job come Monday... It's a price he said he was willing to pay for the possibility of benefits and better wages down the road from companies willing to hire him through the new union job placement center that opened Saturday in Miami... More than 350 independent truck drivers who haul from local ports and rail yards joined Lerro this weekend when they effectively quit their jobs, in hopes that union representation will get them health insurance, pensions, higher wages, and workers rights they do not currently have as independent contractors...


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