User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: HOS - USA - Owner-ops don't like new rules

Sep 1, 2005

HOS - USA - Owner-ops don't like new rules

OOIDA CEO appeal for changes
ALEXANDRIA, Va.,USA -Today's Trucking- Aug. 31, 2005: -- After a week of modest industry reaction to the new U.S. hours-of-service rules, American owner-ops are the first group to formally speak out against the latest changes... The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has filed a petition asking the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to reconsider the recently revised HOS regulations. "We’re filing for two common sense changes to the new hours of service proposal", OOIDA CEO and President Jim Johnston said... "We’re simply asking that those two hours would also stop the clock, that the driver could take those off-duty and not count against his working time. We think its common sense because it’s consistent with the 10-hour off-duty requirement"...


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