User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Payments - USA - US trucking giant to pay drivers practical route miles

Sep 1, 2005

Payments - USA - US trucking giant to pay drivers practical route miles

LINCOLN, Neb,USA -Today's Trucking -Aug. 26, 2005: -- Crete Carrier Corp., one of the largest trucking companies in the US, will start paying its drivers practical route miles, according to Tonn Ostergard, company president and chief executive officer... Currently, like most companies, Crete pays its drivers short route miles, which calculates the shortest route between two points. That method has been the industry-standard because shippers usually want to pay for the shortest route possible... Practical route miles is a computer--generated projection of the route for which it is practical to operate a commercial truck. It can return up to 5 percent more in payable miles for drivers, and is starting to gain more acceptance among carriers looking to recruit and retain qualified drivers...


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