User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Heroes - USA - Goodyear Highway Heroes Forge Special Bonds From Rescues

Sep 2, 2005

Heroes - USA - Goodyear Highway Heroes Forge Special Bonds From Rescues

AKRON, Ohio, USA-Layover -2005/09/02: -- Truck driver Kenneth L. Bass vividly remembers the chilly night he rescued a man who had accidentally driven off a bridge into a fast-flowing river... Bass, a 1990 Goodyear Highway Hero, knows that had he arrived at the bridge just a few seconds later, he would have missed the man's sinking car in the river. "All I saw was a splash in the water," Bass said... Goodyear 2004 Highway Hero, Rick Dent, knows little about the family he saved from drowning. Survivor Bob Strickland wrote a letter to Dent's employer praising Dent for his heroism, but Dent hasn't been able to locate Strickland and his family...


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