User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TechnoNews - USA - Friendly Skies

Sep 2, 2005

TechnoNews - USA - Friendly Skies

Space age technology and trucking
USA - Road King -Sept/Oct, 2005: -- Years ago if somebody talked about tracking systems, global positioning or satellite radio transmissions, people would assume the conversation was about the space program rather than the trucking industry... Even today, most people have no idea that drivers deal with a wide variety of space age technology.. The every day uses that have emerged over the last few years seem custom-made for the trucking industry. Take satellite radio, a lifesaver for long-haul truckers anxious for information and entertainment for hours on end. Global positioning systems can actually save valuable time for a truck driver. The ability to track a vehicle's location may come in handy for a car owner in a spot, but it has profound impact on the daily functioning of the trucking business... All of these tools have become standard for millions of drivers who may not consider themselves to be technology experts...


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