Health/Jobs - Australia - Long hours increase injury risk
Australia -The Weekend Australian -Sept 03, 2005: -- WORKING beyond the standard eight-hour day may raise the risk of job-related injuries, regardless of a person's occupation, a new study suggests... Among nearly 10,800 US adults followed for 13 years, researchers found that those who worked overtime or on regularly extended shifts were at greater risk of on-the-job injuries. And the effect was not limited to hazard-fraught industries... Muscle and joint problems were the most common complaint, followed by cuts and bruises, according to findings published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine... He also pointed out that in the US, up to one third of the overtime hours people log are mandatory. Mandatory overtime may create tension and stress for some workers, which could contribute to injury risk, Dembe said... But whether that's the case is unclear, as the study data didn't separate mandatory from voluntary overtime... If long work hours are in fact a risk factor for injury, a potential preventive measure could be to ensure employees get adequate "rest breaks," according to Dembe. These, he said, could take the form of both short breaks during the day, as well as days off – with, for example, limits on how many days in a row an employee can work extended hours...
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