User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Anger - USA - Some trucks are a menace to city

Aug 22, 2005

Anger - USA - Some trucks are a menace to city

Richmond,IN,USA -Palladium-Item, by Ryan Coby - Aug 19, 2005: -- There is a new problem on Richmond's streets, and it isn't hotrods, reckless drivers or endless construction. It's semi trucks. On Thursday, Aug. 11, I was nearly crushed in my car by a irresponsible semi driver at the North West Fifth Street and Richmond Avenue intersection. He didn't hit me, thankfully, but that was only because I managed to stop his rear tires from running over my hood with a 10-second horn blast. However, after he stopped he preceded in screaming at me from his window, which I returned back at him. I was then forced to move my vehicle so he could continue on his way, that intersection has a similar incident almost every day... I'm not speaking of all semi drivers and I do appreciate the long hours and hard work that most put forth. Quite frankly, it's the truck drivers that bully their way through town that are on my list. This is our city and not a shortcut. I'm not putting up with it any longer and be assured that the next time this happens to me I'm reporting each and every one of you to the police and to the trucking company...


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