User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SECURITY - USA - Giving trucks their space makes the roadways safer

Jun 22, 2005

SECURITY - USA - Giving trucks their space makes the roadways safer

Baltimore,MD,USA -The Baltimore Sun, by Jody K. Vilschick -June 19 2005: -- WHEN WE hit the roads in search of pleasant summer memories, we dread finding ourselves just behind that 18-wheeler, just as truck drivers dread being surrounded by impatient car drivers. "Cars are notorious for cutting in front of trucks, placing everyone in jeopardy," said Larry Daniel, president of AITA Inc., a trade association of independent truck drivers... Trucks can weigh as much as 40 tons when loaded. "The law of physics dictates that when 40 tons are in motion, it cannot stop, turn or react quickly," he said. "[When] a truck driver is forced to try to violate this law, something bad usually happens."


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