User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SECURITY - USA - On track for trouble

Jun 22, 2005

SECURITY - USA - On track for trouble

Middletown,NY,USA -Times Herald-Record, by Dave Richardson & Wayne A. Hall -June 19 2005: -- Sitting in his pickup truck at a rail crossing, waiting for a half-mile-long train to pass, a local volunteer firefighter rests his hand on a thick, orange book – a bible of sorts. Inside it are 372 pages of information about deadly chemicals, explosives and other threats to life and limb... Almost every page details a different way a person can die or be grievously injured from coming in contact with any of them: Blistered lungs. Severe burns. Suffocation. Toxic poisoning... Orange County's hazmat team, for example, has specific training in everything from routine chemical spills to rail and truck accidents and even how to deal with weapons of mass destruction...


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