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Oct 5, 2014

TRUCKERS SHORTAGE* USA: Woman in trucking

* Illinois - ‘We can’t haul’: Rebounding economy reveals shortage of truck drivers

(Photo by Kevin Bennett | BDN -Oct. 3, 2014: Duane Laybolt of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, fills in his log book while he awaits his next load at Dysart's Truck Stop in Hermon on Oct. 2, 20 -, at 6:15 a.m.) 
Chicago,ILL,USA -Reuter/Bango Daily News, by By Nick Carey -Oct. 03, 2014: -- As the U.S. economy strengthens, with consumer demand and housing starts rising, trucking companies are finding themselves scrambling to find drivers to bring goods to market... To combat the problem, trucking companies are offering incentives to lure truckers to fill vacant jobs. Some are picking up the cost of licensing and many offer signing bonuses... According to DAT Solutions, which provides data to the transport sector, the driver shortage helped push the rate per mile for freight shipped on long-term contracts up 8 percent for the year in August, to around $1.80 a mile. Rates in the spot market, where customers move freight at short notice, rose 14 percent to $1.92... Trucking companies often experience driver shortages as the economy heats up because drivers find construction and factory work that don’t require living on the road... 

* DC - To reverse driver shortage, trucking industry steers women to jobs

(Photo: Tasha Tarrell, a female trucker)
Washington,DC,USA -NPR, by NATE ROTT -October 02, 2014: -- The trucking industry is short about 30,000 drivers nationwide, says the American Trucking Associations. Women are joining the ranks to help fill the void... Traditionally, trucking has been an industry dominated by men. But increasingly, that's changing... The American Trucking Associations says it expects that shortage to surge more than 200,000 truckers in the next decade... The industry is increasingly looking at other demographics — particularly women — to close that gap... And numbers, because the most recent labor statistics show that just over 5 percent of the trucking workforce are women... Ellen Voie, president of Women in Trucking; a group that tries to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry; thinks it's a little higher than that, but not by much. And she say that it's in the industry's best interests to change that...

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