User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: WEATHER & TRUCKING * USA: Getting advance warning

May 26, 2017

WEATHER & TRUCKING * USA: Getting advance warning

* DC - Telematics weather infos for trucking

--- Any fleet knows that bad weather can torpedo delivery times while putting cargo, equipment, and the lives of truck drivers at risk. That’s why there’s been a push in recent years to plug real-time weather information into trucking telematics so routes can be adjusted in case heavy rain, blizzards, and other inclement conditions make certain roadways too dangerous to traverse... But real-time weather-data can also be used to aid fleets in accident reconstruction and crash-related insurance claims as well – expanding the potential return on investment (ROI) for such technology... About heavy rain, high winds, and other severe weather not only keeps freight on time and drivers safe, but can prove vital in crash reconstruction efforts. However, speed and truck-sensor measured data is only meaningful with the proper context – particularly in terms of the weather and road conditions at the time of the incident. Painting the full picture takes claim validations to a new level, leveraging data to make decisions – not opinions... 
(Photo by Tom Saunders/VDOT - The ability to overlay real-time and forecasted weather data with road surface conditions holds the potential to significantly improve fleet operations, routing efficiency, and driver safety)  --  Washington, D.C., USA - Fleet Owner, by Sean Kilcarr - Apr 27, 2017

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