User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA: Nebraska Transport Co.

Jul 5, 2016

TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA: Nebraska Transport Co.

* Nebraska - Can technology, partnerships keep small LTL truckers rolling?

--- Trucking companies like Nebraska Transport Company are taking alternative routes to commercial success in a challenging market... In a trucking landscape that often seems tilted toward large players, smaller companies need to be innovative to survive and thrive. Increasingly, that means turning to new technology and partnerships to offer shipper customers services that make smaller carriers more competitive... Nebraska Transport Company, a regional less-than-truckload carrier with about $25 million in annual revenue, is taking both routes. The company is implementing new billing technology from DDC FPO and handling electronic logging with onboard computers from Zonar Systems... In addition, NTC also cemented an alliance with a larger regional LTL carrier, AAA Cooper Transportation, that expands its footprint, giving the Midwestern carrier access to customers and consignees in the Southeast. The two carriers have integrated key computer systems... 
Lincoln, NEB, USA - JOC, by William B. Cassidy - Jul 01, 2016



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