User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CONNECTED VEHICLES VETOED * USA / Missouri

Jul 12, 2016


* Gov. Nixon vetoes 'connected vehicle' testing program for trucks

--- Among the bills vetoed by Gov. Jay Nixon on Friday is a measure to create a pilot program allowing tractor-trailers to use "connected vehicle" technology... Truck drivers taking part in the testing would have been exempt from a state law barring them from following other trucks within 300 feet. The Missouri Department of Transportation and state highway commission were to spearhead the project... The program also would have tested "truck platooning," a wireless connection between commercial trucks. Benefits of platooning include better fuel economy and safety, MoDOT has said... In his veto letter, Nixon cited his hesitancy to endorse wireless and radar-based technology that would have allowed the platooned trucks to synchronize braking and acceleration... "Using Missouri highways as a testing ground for long-haul trucks to deploy this unproven technology is simply a risk not worth taking at this time," Nixon wrote, saying the idea was especially dangerous given the size of such trucks and the "catastrophic damage that could occur if the technology failed" ... 
St. Louis, MISS, USA - St. Louis Post-Dispatch, by Leah Thorsen - Jul 8, 2016

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