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May 7, 2016


* Rhode Island - Uncertainty over a relief package for truckers

--- Before they authorized a statewide network of truck tolls earlier this year, Rhode Island lawmakers told the local trucking industry that a financial relief package to help deal with the cost of the new tolls would soon follow... They didn't say when it might happen... How lawmakers intended to help truckers has been an open question since a $13.5-million tax credit package for the industry was cut out of early versions of Raimondo's truck-toll legislation... The reason the package was eliminated — concern about the legality of favoring local businesses over out-of-state competitors — remains an issue for the state as it looks to implement truck tolls in the years ahead... Asked how he would construct a local industry relief package that doesn't run afoul of interstate commerce protections, Mattiello in January said "carefully" in interviews after the truck toll bill was passed...
 (Photo  - Trucks drivers circle the Rhode Island State House in opposition to the truck toll legislation) -- Providence, R.I., USA - The Provicence Journal, by Patrick Anderson - May. 5, 2016

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