User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: PACAR's news * USA: TRUCKS' TEST FACILITY

May 6, 2016


* Oregon - Paccar turns to new wind tunnel to develop more fuel-efficient trucks

--- Speaking from Paccar’s Bellevue headquarters, CEO Ron Armstrong said the truck builder is sometimes operating its new $50 million truck test facility around the clock, as it works to improve designs... Paccar a year ago opened the “climatic chassis dynanometer” near Mount Vernon, a small city north of Seattle. The facility is part wind tunnel, simulating driving at up to 75 miles an hour, but it also can subject test trucks to changes in temperature, air pressure and humidity... Paccar is the second-largest truck builder in North America, assembling Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks in North America and Australia, as well as DAF trucks in Europe and Brazil... Paccar has achieved 77 consecutive years of profit by taking the long view, and the test facility is an example of that... The rationale behind the test facility is to extract data on the interaction among all aspects of truck design, including aerodynamics, rolling resistance, advanced digital systems, and Paccar-built engines... About 300 people work at the Mount Vernon test center, and the new dynanometer is lifting the testing to a higher level, Armstrong said...
(PACCAR PHOTO: The new Paccar wind tunnel doubles as a dynanometer, which means that test trucks can run… more)  --   Seattle, ORE, USA - Puget Sount Business News, by Steve Wilhelm - May 4, 2016



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