* Georgia - Truckers oppose new speed controls
-- The trucking industry voiced opposition Thursday to tougher limits on its highway speeds... The tougher restrictions come from House Bill that Rep. Ron Stephens introduced in response to a crash last year on Interstate 16... Stephens and the industry representatives testified during a hearing before the House Motor Vehicle Committee considering a proposal to make truckers in 100,000-pound, commercial vehicles subject to the $200 Super Speeder penalties that are on top of local fines when caught going 10 mph over the speed limit on Interstate highways... Objecting was Dan Matthews, who has driven trucks since the 1970s and is a safety trainer for YRC Freight, recommended a 15 mph trigger rather than 10 mph. He said getting two speeding tickets at 15 mph over the limit in a three-year period already means an automatic 60-day suspension from operating as a commercial driver in interstate commerce. The trigger in the current law is 20 mph, where it would remain for cars and non-commercial buses, vans and smaller trucks... The committee also heard from five lobbyists for hospitals around the state supporting the bill because the added fines would go to help support their trauma centers...
(Photo by Walter C. Jones/Morris News Service - Trucker Dan Maxwell of Marietta testified Thursday that a proposal to lower the threshold on truck drivers getting a Super Speeder ticket should be 15 mph over the limit on Interstate highways rather than the proposed 10 mph in a bill authored by Rep. Ron Stephens, R-Savannah) -- Atlanta, GA, USA - Morris News Service/ Savannah Now, by Walter C. Jones - February 19, 2016
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