User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING JOBS * USA: 1500 more in January

Feb 8, 2016

TRUCKING JOBS * USA: 1500 more in January

* DC - Trucking adds 1,500 jobs in January

-- Trucking added 1,500 jobs in January, and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.9%, an almost eight-year low, the Labor Department reported Feb. 5. The transportation and warehousing sector, which includes trucking, lost 20,500 positions, as the courier and messenger job sector lost 14,500 jobs. The jobless rate fell to the lowest level since February 2008. The 151,000 rise in payrolls, while less than forecast, largely reflected payback for a seasonal hiring pickup in the final two months of 2015, Bloomberg News reported... 
Washington, DC, USA - Transport Topics - 5 Feb 2016



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