User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: "Keep on Truckin" * USA: Truck driving, the most prominent working-class profession in the United States today

Feb 10, 2016

"Keep on Truckin" * USA: Truck driving, the most prominent working-class profession in the United States today

* California - Truckers' job, almost entirely ignored by press, politics, and economists alike

-- Truck driving is the most prominent working-class profession in the United States today, and yet is almost entirely ignored by press, politics, and economists alike. It is one of the last remaining ways to carve out a decent middle-class living without a college education, and, to wit, has become an increasingly diverse and complex profession over the past decade... Of course, this half-way decent wage doesn't come without its fair share of difficulties. Truck drivers are plagued by depression, physical health issues, drug problems, and relationship woes. On average, they don't live as long as the average American. And still, the majority are some of the proudest, kindest people you'll ever encounter... Within the "Keep on Truckin' package", we've attempted to create a full-on sensory experience representative of truck driving life in America... Most of all, calling attention to both truck drivers and crucial periphery players (families, truck stop workers) will, hopefully, raise awareness and give a voice to the people who steer America's most pivotal, and overlooked, economic engine... Without truck driving, the lives of Americans would all but grind to a halt. As the industry continues to take steps toward self-improvement, it's time the people who work tirelessly to ensure Americans have the provisions they need finally get the recognition, respect, and—most importantly—help they deserve... 
(Photo: Ted Gresham/Flickr) - CAL, USA - The Pacific Standard, by Sarah Baird - 3 Feb 2016

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