User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: WEATHER TROUBLES * USA / Alaska: Dalton Highway flood

Apr 12, 2015

WEATHER TROUBLES * USA / Alaska: Dalton Highway flood

* Alaska - North Slope truckers in limbo as Dalton Highway flood persists

(YouTube Video, by Push Back - 2 April 2015: Wait till breakup really hits the arctic) 
-- A 15-mile stretch of the Dalton Highway remains indefinitely closed due to a persistent flood of ice and water that has waylaid truck drivers and raised the cost of transporting commodities to the oil-producing North Slope... Some trucks have been reported dropping trailers and turning south for Fairbanks, while others remain queued at rest stops or in lines... At one point, an estimated 100 trucks waited in limbo on both sides of the closed section, Mile 390 to Mile 405, according to Alaska Trucking Association Executive Director, Aves Thompson... Crews are working around the clock in an attempt to clear a stretch of the Dalton Highway inundated by water from Sagavanirktok River. The road remains impassible. Department of Transportation officials plan to issue an update Sunday afternoon... 

(Photo courtesy of Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, taken April 4 - Near Mile 400 of the Dalton Highway. The road was open at the time, but you can see the overflow and drifting) 
 ... On March 13 the Sagavanirktok, or Sag River, began depositing water and ice on the highway. DOT Northern Region spokeswoman Meadow Bailey said, some sections of the roadway are buried beneath 3 to 4 feet of ice, or up to 30 inches of water. The road has been impassable since Sunday... Snowfall, temperatures and winds are all believed to have contributed to the flooding, described by DOT as "unprecedented" ... Helzer, of Colville trucking, said increased demand has caused the cost of transporting goods to skyrocket — small helicopters are no longer available, forcing the use of larger ones that can cost 20 times more... Thompson said the governor's disaster declaration has helped what he calls a serious and daunting flood... 
Dalton Highway, Fairbanks, Alaska - News Miner, by Robin Wood - Apr 11, 2015



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