User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TECHNO-TRUCKS * USA - MIT's

Jun 3, 2014


* Massachusetts - As road transportation is a major source of pollution and accidental death and injury, automated system lets trucks convoy as one

(Photo: Two trucks using Peloton’s technology drive close together in Utah) 
Boston,MASS,USA -MIT Technology Review, by Will Knight -May 28, 2014:  ... A pair of trucks convoying 10 meters apart on Interstate 80 just outside Reno, Nevada, might seem like an unusual sight—not to mention unsafe. But the two trucks doing this a couple of weeks ago were actually demonstrating a system that could make trucking safer and much more efficient. While the driver in front drove his truck normally, the truck behind him was partly operated by a computer—and it stuck to its leader like glue. When instructed to do so, the computer controlled the gas and brakes to pull to within 10 meters (roughly three car lengths) of the truck ahead. The computer then kept the two trucks paired at this precise distance, as if linked by some invisible cable, until the system was disengaged. If the truck in front stopped suddenly, the one behind could have reacted instantaneously to avoid a collision... Joshua Switkes, CEO of Peloton Tech, says the fuel savings are 4.5 percent for the front truck and 10 percent for the rear truck...



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