TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA - Drivers´ Shortage & Comments
* Georgia - With 8.2% unemployment, why does nobody want 200,000 trucking jobs?
Atlanta,GEO,USA -CNNMoney, by Cafferty -8 May 2014 (Originally 25 Jul 2012): -- Has another surprising example of jobs going unfilled: ... There are 200,000 jobs available for long haul truckers that nobody wants... Experts say the positions are hard to fill since it's difficult and expensive to get certified... Plus the lifestyle of a trucker isn't easy. Long days on the road often living in the back of a truck, separated from family and friends and working crazy hours... Still truckers earn an average of almost $40,000. That's $4,000 more than the median wage for all jobs... You'd think people looking for work would jump at the chance... Interested to know which ones made it on air?...

(Image: Factors fueling drivers' demand)
-P.: "Could it be that we have made the unemployed masses comfortable in their unemployment? As long as they are getting money and benefits from the federal and state government, why give up the easy life?"
- Thomson in Batavia, Illinois: "I have been driving a semi for 11 years. To drive a truck you have to have a certain type of character: You can’t be bothered spending a lot of time away from home. You have to be ready at all times because your schedule may change and you would be required to either report to work immediately or wait at a location because a load is not ready or drive at midnight when everyone else is sleeping."
- Pat in Michigan: "If I can drive someone elses truck I would love the job. If I have to buy and use my own rig that is cost prohibitive. the startup costs are a fortune and rookies go broke everyday."
* Alabama - Truck driver exodus caused by mandated electronic logs could compound growing driver shortage
(PRNewsPhoto/Overdrive - In a reader survey from Overdrive, a national trucking magazine, a majority of independent truckers say they will leave trucking rather than operate under electronic logging devices)
Tuscaloosa,ALA,USA -PRNewswire -April 17, 2014: -- What would the trucking industry look like without 70 percent of the independent and small-fleet owner-operators moving freight today? What if 52 percent of company drivers and leased owner-operators at larger fleets also suddenly exited the business? A special report on the potential impact of a proposed federal rule requiring electronic logging devices (ELD) to be used in most large trucks to track driver hours of service answers those questions and more. The report cites a recent reader survey by Overdrive, a national trucking magazine, in which a majority of respondents said they would retire or look for other work before they'd operate with an ELD. Under the proposed rule by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, ELDs could be mandated for virtually all interstate haulers by late 2016. Many large and medium-sized fleets have already adopted ELDs or are phasing them in, while many of the smallest fleets are holdouts. It's unclear how many truckers would follow through on threats to quit, but those who do will make a tough situation worse: If the 71 percent of independents with from one to five trucks actually did quit, the industry would lose about 260,000 trucks, according to RigDig Business Intelligence. That removes more than 10 percent of the industry's capacity...
* California - Neighbors complain about impacts from trucking operation
(Photo: New Neighbors complain about impacts from trucking operation)
Bakersfield,CAL,USA -KBAK/KBFX/Eyewitness News, by Carol Ferguson -May 8, 2014: -- Neighbors complain a trucking company disrupts their area with noise, smells and traffic... It's an near Hughes Road and McKee, and the company says they were there first, and they're not breaking any rules... The company attorney says GIC has created a lot jobs, and trucks and equipment are bought locally. He says the company wants to be a good neighbor... So, what can be done to resolve the situation? ... "What they really need to do, everyone involved, is find a way that they can co-exist," Richard Iger suggests. "Until, or if, (the trucking company) ever moves" ...
* Illinois - Some trucking firms on Federal Watch List for safety violations
(Photo: Weird image after a fatal crash in illinois)
Chicago,ILL,USA -CBS Chicago, by Pam Zekman -May 8, 2014: -- Nationally, the number of people injured or killed in large truck crashes is on the rise... Now the 2 Investigators have learned that 2,500 trucking companies in Illinois are on a so-called federal watch list because of their record of safety violations... One serious safety category has caused some of the worst crashes in the Chicago area. The issue is fatigued driving: truckers who violate federal regulations that limit the hours they can stay on the road without a break. Instead, they just keep trucking with horrific consequences... To cut down on crashes caused by driver fatigue, federal authorities are now proposing a new rule that would require drivers to log their hours electronically...
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