* USA - Warning system for roads safety
* Texas - TxDOT debuts warning system to increase work-zone safety

Austin,TXS,USA -Transport Topics -6 May 2013: -- The Texas Department of Transportation said it has introduced a warning system that utilizes sensors and electronic signage to reduce work-zone collisions... The ‘end-of-queue warning system’ uses sensors to measure the speeds of approaching vehicles and then warns drivers through portable, electronic signs about upcoming traffic backups due to nighttime lane closures in work zones, TxDOT said... Rumble strips are spaced between sensors to send mild vibrations through oncoming vehicles to get the attention of distracted or drowsy drivers... TxDOT said this is the first time in-state the combination of rumble strips, sensors and electronic signs has been used... The system has been deployed to construction zones in the central Texas Interstate 35 corridor, where 55,000 to 115,000 vehicles travel daily, 25% to 35% of which are trucks, according to TxDOT...
* Ontario / Canada - Combating corrosion
King City,ONT,CAN -Truck News, by James Menzies -7 May 2013: -- No one in the trucking industry is fond of road salt or chemical de-icers applied to our highways in the winter, but most will accept they’re a necessary evil... Their corrosive effects on vehicles are indisputable, but so too are the benefits to motorists, as chemical de-icers and road salt make otherwise treacherous roadways safe to travel... Paul Johnson, operations manager with the County of Wellington, sees it from both sides. Operating a fleet of 27 plow trucks, he’s responsible for distributing sand, salt and chemical de-icers during the winter while at the same time trying to protect the municipality’s equipment from its harmful effects... Paul Kirkup, national fleet manager with Krown Corp., said equipment corrosion is a $23-billion problem in the US. He urged fleets to be proactive, to wash and inspect vehicles regularly and to use treatments with rust-inhibiting properties. He suggested using products that aren’t WHMIS controlled so they’re safe to handle... How much can a proactive corrosion prevention program save a fleet? Based on a US Department of National Defense case study, $6 was saved for every dollar spent on corrosion prevention...
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