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May 6, 2013


* France - Business failures: a painful growth for the first quarter of 2013

Paris,France -The Official Carriers, by Benoit Barbedette -29 April 2013: -- With 893 legal actions 767 direct liquidations, the first quarter of 2013 marked a turning point for road transport. The increase in numbers compared to 2012 reflects indeed a deepening crisis... On the front of business failures, 2013 has started on a flying 893 court proceedings were recorded in the first quarter (of a total of 16,000 in France, announced Altares, April 23)... The failure curve in the road transport remains to heights never seen since more than ten years. It is in line with the last quarter of 2012 also with 956 painful procedures, a "record" since we publish this data each quarter (with the assistance of Coface)... To put in perspective, as the five previous first quarters recorded 605 procedures in 2012, 572 in 2011, 667 in 2010, 364 in 2009 and 445 in 2008. Early 2013 therefore marks a turning point... How to interpret this massacre (which is not really a surprise)? Of the 893 procedures, 218 were made in Ile-de-France, 106 in the Rhône-Alpes and PACA 83... Other information marked in red: total 893 procedures includes 112 receiverships, 14 backup and 767 liquidations. In the latter category, it should be noted 71 voluntary separations activity...



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