* Virginia - Trucking continues as dominant freight mode, ATA Report says

• There are 6.9 million people employed in trucking-related industries.
• The majority of trucking companies are small businesses, with 90.5% operating six or fewer trucks.
• Only 2.8% of fleets operate more than 20 trucks.
• Classes 6-8 trucks traveled 137.2 billion miles in 2011, up 4.7% from the previous year.
• The trucking industry paid $36.5 billion in federal and state highway user fees and taxes in 2011, a 10.3% increase from 2009.
* California - Strong SoCal Port activity boosts trucking, economy

Bloomington, Ind.,USA -Bloomberg/Transport Topics -29 May 2013: -- More goods entering Southern California ports signals optimism about the U.S. economy and the trucking industry, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday... Combined inbound-container volume at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports rose 3.5% in the first four months of 2013 from a year earlier... That follows total imports through the sister ports that rose 0.9% last year from 2011. The two facilities make up the largest U.S. port complex... The activity suggests that an increase of 3% to 5% — consistent with modest consumption growth — is attainable this year... An index of U.S. truck loadings rose 3.9% in April from a year ago, following a 4.2% gain the prior month, Bloomberg reported, citing data from FTR Associates...
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