TRUCK CONGESTION: Brazil & Bulgaria / Turkey border
* Brazil - 50 kms. parked trucks on the Anchieta highway
(Photo: Truck line of up to 50 km reported at Santos Port)
Santos,SP,Brazil -Reuters/The Canadian Cattlemen, by Laiz de Souza/Brian Winter and Caroline Stauffer -May 28, 2013: -- A new ordinance that prohibits trucks from parking at Brazil's main Santos port at night caused what may be the worst traffic jam of a busy season on Tuesday, slowing delivery of the country's record soybean crop... Lines of parked trucks extended as much as 50 km on the Anchieta highway leading to the Santos coast, according to highway operator EcoVias. Congestion was later reduced after lanes for return traffic were reversed, but afternoon rains made for slow passage... The new regulations took effect on Monday and were meant to pressure authorities to find a solution for the massive number of trucks that have been bothering nearby residents for months as Brazil exports record amounts of soy, sugar and corn... But Tuesday's chaos on the highways was enough to persuade the municipality of Cubatao to suspend temporarily the ordinance limiting the hours for truck parking and search for another solution... As much as two-thirds of Brazil's new investments in the first quarter were likely related to construction of heavy trucks...
* Turkey - To Restore Restrictions for Bulgarian Trucks June 1

Sofia,Bulgaria -Novinite -May 28, 2013: -- The restrictive measures against Bulgarian freight road carriers will not only be restored effective June 1, but even upped, as this is the position of the Turkish haulers association UND... The Bulgarian Focus news agency cites Tuesday Koycho Rusev, member of the Managing Board of the Association of Bulgarian Enterprises for International Road Transport and Roads, AEBTRI, in saying the decision has been made after 8 hours of negotiations... He says that the only way to deal with the issue now, is to impose the same restrictions for Turkish haulers entering Bulgaria... Bulgarian drivers and truck owners are outraged by the hurdles for their business on the other side of the border and by unfair competition. They complained from unfounded restrictions such as not allowing into Turkish territory trucks carrying over 500 liters of fuel or making drivers wait at the Turkish border for days...
* New Zealand - Truck fatality sparks call for industry wide probe
Kerikeri.New Zealand -The Northern Advocate, by Peter de Graaf -30 May 2013: -- A transport union is calling for a thorough investigation of the causes of truck accidents after a fatal crash near Kerikeri... The accident occurred when a truck turning out of a packhouse driveway collided with a truck and trailer on Kerikeri Rd at 6.20am on Tuesday. The truck and trailer cab bore the brunt of the collision, leaving the driver trapped. He died despite determined efforts to free him... FIRST Union transport and logistics secretary Karl Andersen said road transport, alongside mining and forestry, was a major contributor to workplace deaths... In 2011, the most recent figures available, road crashes involving trucks caused 50 deaths. While truck accidents resulting in fatalities had fallen since a peak in the 1990s, 50 was still too high, Mr Andersen said... The Labour Party has also called for an inquiry into wider issues in the trucking industry, including contracting and remuneration issues...
* Australia - More than 100 trucks defected, 200 fines in police blitz

Kimba,South A-The Herald Sun -May 29, 2013: -- A Police heavy vehicle blitz has led to 132 trucks being defected and almost 200 fines issued... More than 1400 trucks have been inspected at sites at Kimba, Yunta and Port Augusta over the past week... As a result of the inspections, 132 trucks were defected, 192 expiation notices were issued, one driver was arrested and 27 were reported for various offences... Most of the offences were related to the driver's work diary, vehicle defects, general compliance and speed... The blitz is part of Operation Austrans, a national operation aimed at improving safety for heavy vehicle companies and drivers...
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