* Mexico - Heavy truck and cargo thefts, a steep decline ?
* Texas - Experts skeptical of cargo theft declines in Mexico

Austin,TX,USA -Land Line, by Greg Grisolano -26 April 2013: -- The latest report from FreightWatch International on the number of heavy truck and cargo thefts in Mexico shows a steep decline for the first quarter of 2013 compared to the same time frame last year... FreightWatch found 303 reported incidents of cargo theft in January, February and March of 2013, compared with 486 incidents during the first quarter of 2012... But the same experts who wrote the report caution that the decline has more to do with changes to how thefts are reported south of the border, rather than a sea-change in policies and practices that protect drivers and shippers... Doug Morris, OOIDA’s director of security operations, concurs that the numbers are probably artificially deflated. He also said the companies shipping to Mexico face challenges such as hiring armed security for loads, camouflaging or disguising shipments, and securing insurance, all of which can pass costs on to consumers north and south of the border...
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