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Mar 25, 2013

DANGEROUS DRIVERS: New moms !!! ... * USA

* New York - Report: New moms among the most distracted drivers

New York,NY,USA -The Car Connection, by Suzanne Kane -Feb 26, 2013: -- New mothers aren't immune to the dangers of distracted driving. In fact, with the demands of driving with a newborn baby on board, new moms may be among the most distracted drivers on the road... A recent survey of new moms that was conducted by American Baby and Safe Kids Worldwide points out how prevalent distracted driving is among new moms. The key evidence is that while the majority of moms surveyed said they are being more cautious in their driving habits since the birth of their child, their answers to other survey questions implies the direct opposite... In short, new moms are driving while fatigued (sleeping an average of 5 hours, 20 minutes per night), not paying attention to the speed limit, turning around to tend to the baby, three out of four moms are using their phones to text or call or read messages or emails, and doing other kinds of distracted behavior – all with baby on board... Worse yet is the statistic that almost 10 percent of new moms surveyed had an accident with their baby while driving. That’s nearly three times the rate in the general population...



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