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Mar 19, 2012


* USA - ICE technology offers best solution for greater MPG

(Photo: 2011 Duramax Diesel 6.6L V8 Turbo Engine)
West Springfield,MA,USA -AutomotiveWorld (UK)/Scuderi Group, by Nick Scuderi -March 15, 2012: ... There are approximately 165 million internal combustion engines (ICE) built in the world each year for vehicle, power generation and various commercial applications, with 62 million in vehicles alone. Given that demand for ICEs has not waned, focus has now turned to optimising and revolutionising processes that enhance combustion. Research and development companies are working to improve high-efficiency engine designs, giving OEMs an easier option to meet government regulations while satisfying consumer demand for better engines. New technologies for ICEs can bridge the gap between fossil fuels and renewables for decades to come by making the burden less costly for OEMs and palatable for consumers... One of those processes being used to enhance combustion is turbocharging. It has been shown to improve the fuel economy of a gas-powered ICE by up to 20%... This process involves the addition of a small air tank, which captures and reuses wasted energy typically lost during idling, braking or driving downhill... It has been shown that an ICE inside a European 'high economy' class vehicle can reach 65 US MPG (77 UK mpg or 3.7 litres per 100km) while emitting significantly less CO2... As the engineering community continues to innovate and invent, the internal combustion engine will only improve...



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