User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Study * UK / Europe - Lorry Parking

Nov 16, 2011

Study * UK / Europe - Lorry Parking

First Step Toward a Proper European Standard for Lorry Parking

London,EN,UK –Handy Shipping Guide -15 November 2011: -- Parking a truck at night, particularly with a full load of freight, can be a problem for any HGV driver, even in many of the most advanced countries in the world, sometimes with the most tragic consequences. Now the Department for Transport (DfT) has produced a comprehensive study aimed at focusing politicians on improving the situation in the UK and working towards an acceptable European standard and the publication has been warmly welcomed by the Road Haulage Association (RHA)...  At a time when austerity measures are hitting many services hard there is doubt amongst the commercial vehicle drivers we spoke to as to whether anything concrete would come from the study. One driver, who did not wish to be named said: "It's all very well to tell us what we already know. Driving in some parts of Britain and Europe can be dangerous; you can have a ‘safety in numbers’ mentality with areas of high crime making you a sheep in a pack of wolves. What is required are more fenced off truck stops with proper facilities on main routes and smaller secure stops in well lit areas"



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