User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: * Italy - It's Gulliver on a Peterbilt's truck?

Nov 2, 2011

* Italy - It's Gulliver on a Peterbilt's truck?

No  ... He's Luca Bordin ...

Venice,Italy -Wired Magazine, by Aaron Rowe -November 1, 2011:   ...   an italian who likes American trucks. A lot...   He spent nine months to built a 3-foot-tall remote-controlled facsimile that’s accurate down to the miniature blue-and-gold vintage  California license plate. Bordin’s 400-pound iron and fiberglass replica looks and sounds utterly authentic. Hundreds of LEDs light up the cab. A nightclub-style fog maker puffs faux exhaust out of twin smokestacks. A pair of speakers emit a rumble worthy of a 400-horsepower engine, while a mini compressor pumps out air at 145 psi to re-create two distinct types of horn blasts. The 750-watt electric motor is even strong enough to tow an actual Nissan Patrol GR SUV. Bordin is now putting the finishing touches on an A/V system for the 16-foot-long Nascar-branded trailer. When completed, the trailer will open to reveal a 22-inch LCD and a speaker array that Bordin can fire up with his remote control...   Dieci-quattro, good buddy  ...



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