User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Outlaw Distracted Driving * USA - Not Cellphone Use

Nov 12, 2010

Outlaw Distracted Driving * USA - Not Cellphone Use

So why, when traffic fatalities are declining nationally ("only" 34,000 people died in 2008), is distracted driving growing?

New Haven,CONN,USA -Courant, by TIM HOLLISTER -October 24, 2010:  ...   Foremost is the fact that auto manufacturers are now introducing electronics that are certain to draw older drivers, for whom texting is not second nature, into typing and reading while at the wheel. Coming to a vehicle near you are dashboard-mounted computers with Internet access, big screens that are synchronized with cellphones and their burgeoning array of "apps," and enhanced video, audio and navigation systems...   One automaker's website boasts that its new system allows the driver to connect "to a database of 14 million U.S. businesses." So far, neither Congress nor any state has tried to stop this trend, or challenge manufacturers' assertion that driving safety is a matter of individual responsibility...   Another factor, however, is that in the past several years, our primary response nationally to distracted driving has been for the states (motor vehicles generally being their exclusive province) to pass laws that attempt to keep up with this constantly changing technology. State legislators have tried to deal with distracted driving by defining and limiting use of cellphones, mobile electronic devices, e-mail, voicemail, instant messaging, iPods, MP3 players, pagers, personal digital assistants, laptops, DVDs and GPSs...



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