User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DOT INTERNAL AFFAIRS * USA - MDOT’s Brown apologizes to LaHood; cites stress, illness

Nov 10, 2010

DOT INTERNAL AFFAIRS * USA - MDOT’s Brown apologizes to LaHood; cites stress, illness

Butch Brown reportedly told AASHTO conference attendees that LaHood and his administration “don’t have a clue what’s going on”

Jackson,MISS,USA -The Associated Press/The Trucker -9 Nov 2010: -- Butch Brown, executive director of the Mississippi Department of Transportation and outgoing president  of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, (AASHTO), says he is preparing to undergo medical procedures for a recurrence of prostate cancer...    Brown’s pronouncement comes a week after he admitted to erring in a speech in which he was sharply critical of U.S. Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood...   LaHood and two aides canceled scheduled trips to Biloxi last week to speak at a meeting of Southeastern highway officials...  The nation’s federal highway administrator sent a stinging letter to Brown calling his behavior “shameful” ...  Brown told the Mississippi Business Journal and The Clarion-Ledger that he was stressed out, reeling from the death of his close friend Northern District Transportation Commissioner, Bill Minor, who died earlier that same Monday morning a week ago, and his own serious health problems when he made the remarks at the annual meeting of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials in Biloxi... (B. Brown's photo)

* Transportation Leaders?  "Three Blind Mice"

Tollesboro,KY,USA -Truck Driver News/Thoughts from a trucker, by Jason -November 10, 2010: -- Why is it that the so-called transportation leaders are just like the three blind mice? Of course we know there are more than just three transportation leaders, but I couldn't find more than three blind mice. So we will try to focus on the three that I and many others think are the most important parts of the transportation "leaders". Why did I pick the NTSB, FMCSA, and the USDOT? Well, it is because these three are in the most power when it comes to dealing with the trucking industry...    NTSB investigates most of the really bad accidents that happen within the trucking industry, they are usually completely thorough with their investigations to determine what has happened. This usually takes them several months to complete a full investigation. If to many of the same kinds of accidents occur, then they will make recommendations to the USDOT and FMCSA. Then why do I consider them to be part of the blind mice trio? Well, the NTSB has a blind eye towards the people that are actually out here working every day the truck drivers. Drivers are over here jumping up and down waiving their arms wildly to try to get these leaders attention, but they never see the drivers. Drivers have been complaining about the hours they work, appointment times, sleeping arrangements, lack of healthy places to eat, and the lack of good places to park for years, but nobody will listen...  Primary mission of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is to reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. With that being said, why do they also have a blind eye towards the industry? I know the administrations leader Anne S. Ferro has to have some idea about how bad the parking situations are. And she must know what the drivers are going through on a daily basis, as far as sitting so much at the docks. Prior to her being the leader at FMCSA she led the Maryland Motor Truck Association as its president and chief executive officer from 2003 to 2009. Previously, Ms. Ferro served as the State of Maryland's Motor Vehicle administrator from 1997 to 2003. Why is she and the FMCSA so blind to the real problems that truck drivers face. She has been involved in transportation for some time now so, it surely is not lack of experience. Instead of her taking the reigns and driving to better this industry she is allowing herself to be driven and enjoying the pay. The USDOT is completely blind to anything to do within the trucking industry. It is led by someone who has not been in the "real industry"� but has been a part of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and we all know they have blind eyes towards the real problems. The only thing this administration's choice for leader of the USDOT is doing what he is told to do, by a so-called leader who knows nothing, and spending tax money on ludicrous livable projects, i.e., millions of dollars for bike paths and fighting distracted driving. I don't have a problem with him focusing so much on distracted driving, I do however have a problem as to how he handles the so-called problem in trucking. States already have fines and punishments for text messaging and driving and are no way near as bad in a car as they are for commercial drivers... But he insisted on quadrupling the consequences for the safest drivers on the highway truckers...  As example a trucker's comment: Why not quit wasting all that tax money on bike paths, and get us some parking places built !...  (Image from daniellecontarino: Three blind mice)

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