The overwhelming majority of safest fleets want the Government to introduce a nationally-recognised post-test driving for work qualification for young drivers
London,UK -HGV UK -January 13, 2010: ... Road crashes are the single biggest killer of young people in the UK with almost 1,200 killed or seriously injured on the roads every year. Young drivers, especially those under 20, are nearly 12 times more likely than those aged 35-65 to have caused a fatal crash than to have been innocently involved in one... Meanwhile, with an estimated up to 200 road deaths and serious injuries a week resulting from crashes involving at work drivers, more employees are killed and seriously injured on Britain’s roads while driving on behalf of their employer than in any other work-related activity... Therefore, inexperienced, recently qualified 17-24-year-olds who are driving on business are likely to be at the very highest risk of being involved in a crash... As a result, the Government is anxious to promote a wide range of measures to help young drivers stay safe when they are on the road... While the majority (76%) of ‘business champion’ fleets allow young employees to drive on business – 24% don’t – many impose restraints on them as part of their safe driving procedures. Those measures include: * 48% of ‘business champion’ fleets restrict the size of vehicle young employees are allowed to drive * 33% restrict the performance of the vehicle * 19% ban youngsters from taking to the road in adverse weather conditions * 14% ban them driving at night.(Picture from drivers' death, young drivers
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