TRUCKERS REQUEST * USA - To California: Delay Diesel-Emission Rules
Truckers seek delay of California diesel rules, saying expense is too great amid recession
Sacramento,CAL,USA -Associated Press/ABC News, by SAMANTHA YOUNG -December 9, 2009:-- California officials took steps Wednesday to delay the nation's toughest rules to reduce diesel emissions, saying trucking companies struggling with a poor economy should be given more time to replace fleets with cleaner trucks... The state Air Resources Board said it would grant more time, in part, because diesel emissions are 20 percent lower this year than expected — a likely result of a recession-caused transport slowdown... The decision came after regulators heard from dozens of truckers who say they are bringing in less business and unable to pay for costly new equipment... Board chairwoman,Mary Nichols, she was interested in giving truckers more flexibility in the next few years, but rejected calls to set aside the standards...(Photo from
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