TRUCKMAKERS' NEWS WORLDWIDE * Sweden - DME (Di-Methyl-Ether) as a vehicle fuel
* Volvo heavy trucks to run on CO2-free 'black liquor'
Stockholm,Sweden -Today's Trucking (CAN)-18 Sept 2009:-- Starting next year, Volvo Trucks will be the first truck manufacturer to conduct comprehensive field tests of Bio-DME -- a next generation biofuel said to produce close to no carbon dioxide emissions... In the long term it has the potential to replace 50 percent of today’s diesel used for transport operations in Europe... The aim of the field tests -- involving, among others, the EU,the Swedish Energy Agency, fuel companies and the transport industry --is to assess the potential of DME (Di-Methyl-Ether) as a vehicle fuel...DME is a gas but it is transformed into liquid form.It is straightforward to handle in a process similar to that required for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The most common application today is as a propellant in spray cans...The raw material used is "black liquor," an energy-rich, highly viscous by-product of the pulp industry.With Bio-DME instead of diesel as a fuel, carbon dioxide emissions are cut by 95 percent... (Photo: No-carbon Volvo trucks will be testing in Europe over the next two years)
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