Road Safe America * USA - Launches National Petition Drive for Citizens
To Urge President Obama, Congress and U.S. DOT to Require Activation of Speed Governors on Big Trucks
Atlanta,GA,USA -PRNewswire/Reuters -Sep 8, 2009: --Road Safe America, a non-profit dedicated to making America's highways safer, has launched a web-based national petition drive designed to create a national groundswell of citizen demand for President Obama,the Congress and the U.S. Department of Transportation to take action to require electronic speed governors on heavy commercial vehicles to be set at 65 mph or slower... Electronic speed governors have been standard equipment on big trucks since 1992, but there is no requirement for them to be activated to keep heavy commercial vehicles at a safe 65 mph... The 400,000 crashes involving heavy commercial trucks take the lives of almost 5,000 people every year and leave more than 100,000 injured, while research shows that slower truck speeds lead to fewer wrecks...The United Kingdom reduced top speeds for trucks to 60 miles per hour in 1992, and to 56 miles per hour in 1994. Since speed governing devices were introduced there, car-truck fatalities have plummeted by almost half... Australia experienced a reduction of 26.5 percent in heavy truck fatalities between 2002 and 2004 through speed governor requirements, aggressive fatigue management programs, random drug testing and seatbelt promotion among the trucking industry ...
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