Rest Area Closures * USA - OOIDA ramps up pressure on Virginia before
VA,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Clarissa Kell-Holland-July 17, 2009: -- There are just a few days remaining before nearly half of the rest areas in Virginia are scheduled to be shuttered – which is certain to be a “recipe for disaster”.. However, a U.S. lawmaker from Virginia, along with the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Associationand AAA Mid-Atlantic, is fighting to keep these vital rest areas open... “Long-haul truck drivers are regulated on the number of hours they are supposed to drive before taking specific rest breaks,” U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-VA, wrote. “I worry to think that with fewer rest stops in Virginia, fatigued truckers may be forced to drive additional miles to find a place to stop for their required breaks. That scenario sets up a recipe for disaster”... (Photo from wikipedia: "Virginia Rest Area" Rest area on northbound Interstate 81 at milepost 262 in Rockingham County, Virginia)
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