Fees weigh down competition, says Trucking Alliance executive
Ottawa,ONT,CAN -The Journal of Commerce Online, by John Gallagher -Jun 4, 2009: --U.S.border crossing costs are putting a damper on the ability of Canadian trucking companies to compete in a domestic transportation market already struggling under a deep recession and growing trans-border carrier options from the United States, according to Canadian trucking interests... In testimony before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-food, Ron Lennox, vice president of the Canadian Trucking Alliance pointed out that, as has been the case in theUnited Statesfor the last two years, excess capacity and weak demand are giving shippers the upper hand at the negotiating table...“But the common thread running through all of these things is that government action is required to bring them to fruition so that the benefits can be realized by carriers and the customers they serve.”... (Picture from cbc.ca -w truck inspect)
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