MEXICAN'S TRUCKING * Mexico - Group Sues U.S. for $6 Billion
Canacar Claims U.S. in Violation of NAFTA Provisions
* USA - Fleet Execs See Growing Potential in Mexico - Nation’s Factory Sector Gains Sophistication
USA -Transport Topics, by Sean McNally -June 1, 2009: -- Despite recession-related declines in trade with the United States, Mexico’s potential as an economic power has shippers and fleet executives taking advantage of the emerging market there... Mexico, currently the United States’ third-largest trading partner, sends billions of dollars in freight across the border each day, much of it by truck... Executives said that freight, once primarily disposable, cheaply made goods, now largely consists of high-value items such as televisions, electronic equipment and cell phones — the result of a concerted effort by the Mexican government to attract more sophisticated industries... “We think Mexico has the potential to reach to the top five or 10 economies of the world by 2025,” Angel Mendez, senior vice president of global supply management for Cisco Systems Inc., told... Craig Giffi, who heads the U.S. Consumer & Industrial Products Industry practice at Deloitte Consulting LLP, said that Mexican business officials are optimistic about the country’s ability to expand and compete in the North American market...
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