Washington,DC,USA -eTrucker -8 June 2009: --For-hire trucking companies shed a little more than 8,000 jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis in May – the smallest number since October, according to preliminary data released bythe Department of Labor... Payroll employment among for-hire trucking companies in May dropped 0.6 percent from April levels and 9.4 percent from May 2008 on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to preliminary figures released bythe U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics on today, June 5.The latest numbers also reflect a slight downward revision in trucking employment levels for April...With the estimated 8,100 jobs lost in May, the trucking industry has lost more than 67,000 jobs since the end of 2008 – a decline of 5 percent... The BLS numbersreflect all payroll employment in for-hire trucking, but they don’t include trucking-related jobs in other industries, such as a truck driver for a private fleet...(Photo from carrievillines: Florida's trucker)
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