“Right to Repair” * USA - Five More Members of Congress Support Legislation
Five More Members of CongressSupport Legislation
Bethesda,MD –Layover -4 May 2009: --Following the recent introduction of the Motor Vehicle Owners’ Right to Repair Act (HR 2057)into the 111th Congress, the bill gained five more co-sponsors last week, according toKathleen Schmatz, president and CEO of the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)...Because vehicles are becoming increasingly sophisticated with virtually every system either monitored or controlled by computers, servicing these vehicle systems to keep them in safe working condition requires ready access to complete and accurate information from the car companies. The Right to Repair Act was introduced inCongress to ensure that car owners and their trusted repair shops have the same access to safety alerts and repair information as the franchised new car dealer network...(Photo from blogcdn: sierra in tow truck)
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