INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - North American road investment to fall short of demand
Some small growth in North American road spending will help ease traffic woes, but won't likely be enough to meet demand over the next five years
USA -Today's Trucking (CAN) -14 May 2009: -- ... That according to KPMG International, a global network of audit, tax and advisory firms. In a recent report titled "Trend Monitor: North American Roads, Outlook 2009-2013", the firm predicts total annual road expenditure in the U.S. in 2013 to reach $124.8 billion, a 2.9 percent increase from 2009 estimated spending... In contrast, the American Society of Civil Engineers' 2009 Report Card predicts that $186 billion in road expenditures is needed annually over the next five years to significantly improve road conditions... It's important that governments approach the challenge of upgrading highway infrastructure holistically, says KPMG...
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