User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Passport Deadline * USA - For all land border crossings

Apr 24, 2009

Passport Deadline * USA - For all land border crossings

In other words, the verbal declaration of citizenship will no longer be accepted...

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine -April 23, 2009: --
If you cross into the U.S. from Canada or Mexico for any reason, you will be required to have a passport or other approved documentation as of June 1, 2009 – regardless of your North American citizenship... U.S. citizens returning to the states by land will be required to produce a valid U.S. passport, passport card, a valid FAST, NEXUS or SENTRI credential, enhanced driver’s license, military identification with travel orders, or a Merchant Mariner document... Canadian citizens have been required since 2008 to show a valid passport, FAST, NEXUS or SENTRI card, or an enhanced driver’s license... Travelers from the U.S. and Canada under the age of 16 can use a birth certificate...



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