TRAFFIC TROUBLES * USA - Channahon truck stop is a nightmare
Channahon,ILL,USA -The Joliet Herald News (Joliet,IL), by JEANNE MILLSAP -January 22, 2009: --Joe Cook says in all his years of being on the village board, first as trustee and now as village president, there's never been an issue residents have been more vocal about than the traffic jams around the Pilot Travel Centeron Route 6, just east ofInterstate 55... The village says the backups are the direct result of semi-trucks stacking atPilot, then having difficulty making the left-hand turns back onto Route 6 to get back on the interstate....Pilot asks for more:On Monday,a representative from Pilot, Bill Mulligan, asked trustees to approve an additional three diesel pumps at the center, a truck scale, and 40 more truck parking stalls...Village Trustee Scott Slocumhas been drawing a hard line on the travel center, asking fellow board members for the past couple of board meetings to approve a resolution for the Illinois Department of Transportation to erect a "right-in, right-out only" sign at the Pilot, forcing trucks to exit right ontoRoute 6 and drive east toHoubolt Road, where they would access I-80back toI-55...(Photo by Liz Wilkinson - A semi-trailer driver turns left (west) out of the Pilot gas station onto Route 6 near the Interstate 55 interchange in Channahon on
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