User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS' CONTROLS * USA - More DOT law enforcement in area, inspecting semi trucks

Nov 28, 2008

TRUCKS' CONTROLS * USA - More DOT law enforcement in area, inspecting semi trucks

High Springs,FL,USA -The High Springs Herald, by Lia Ganosellis -28 Nov 2008: -- While High Springs and Alachua residents may have seen more Florida Department of Transportation officers pulling over commercial vehicles recently, the department says it has nothing to do with a sudden need for them... Captain David Fachko of the Department of Transportation Motor Carrier Compliance Office said Motor Carrier Compliance officers generally pull over commercial vehicles to inspect their weight or ensure their safety... Officers don’t have to see a commercial vehicle make a traffic violation, either... (Photo By Ronald Dupont Jr. - A Florida Department of Transportation law enforcement officer pulls over a semi truck in Alachua on U.S.441. The DOT can pull over trucks for inspections, not just for traffic infractions)



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